Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

February 2018

Culture Inspires

Culture has been defined by so many experts in so many different ways. One of the top students of society defined it as the set of practices that are adopted by a population in order to adjust to their surroundings. There are a lot of people that believe this to be an accurate definition of what culture is. If this is true then the reality is that culture will always

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Cutting Business Costs When Running A Garage

When you run a business, sometimes it can seem like the expenses just keep rising. This can be a total nightmare, because it can make it even harder to run your business within your budget. On average, business costs tends to increase by 10 to 20 percent per year, which means that after five years of running, your business costs will have increased by between 50 and 100 percent, which

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The Ultimate Small But Mighty Business Guide

There are millions of small businesses located in the united states alone. It’s a sad fact that almost half of small businesses will choose to close before they hit their 5 year mark. If you’re going to avoid this for your business, you need to take some of the advice outlined in this small but mighty business guide. Read on to get a feel for how you can avoid some

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Should You Sell Your Business or Should You Stick It Out?

Every entrepreneur remembers the uphill struggle of getting their first business off the ground. They remember the meticulous detail with which they composed their business plan. They remember the sacrifices they made of their time and effort and the social engagements they turned down to make their dream a reality. They remember the passion with which they argued for and won funding from banks, business lenders and investors. They remember

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Here’s How To Succeed In Property Investment When Building Property Yourself

For anyone with some ‘spare’ funds to play with, the concept of investment is a popular one. Of course, the term ‘investment’ is vast and varied and could mean any number of different financial opportunities. However, of all the most common investment opportunities that there are available, one of the most popular ones tends to be property investment. This is because this investment type is seen as being safer than

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Here’s What Entrepreneurs Dread The Most

Some people think that entrepreneurs have the dream career. They are their own boss and are able to create a working schedule that works for them. Not only that, though, but they have probably set up their company in an industry or sector that they are really passionate about. Sounds ideal, right? Well, not exactly. The life of an entrepreneur isn’t completely problem-free. In fact, there are quite a few

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Cheap As Microchips: Protecting Your Company From Outside Threats

Danger is all around! When you consider the methods in which to protect your business you can’t cut back on making your company as comprehensively covered as possible. But, finances have a big role to play in how you protect your assets. So, this begs the question, is there a suitable method to protect your company cheaply? In essence, there is no one method, but a combination of preparation and

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The Customer Is Always Right…Right?

You’ve got your business plan approved, your finance is twinkling in your bank account and finally your business has been launched. The day has come to make your dream a reality and now it’s up and running, you’re done, right? Wrong. You are so far from done and making your business a headliner with customers is right now only in the beginning stages. Having a fancy logo will never matter,

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Investments to Consider for the Inexperienced

For those who are unfamiliar with investing, it can seem like something that is reserved only for the wealthy and in-the-know. However, there has never been a more fruitful time for investment. Sure, nobody seems to have any money at all, but the number of resources available now make it easier than it has ever been to help even the most inexperienced of investors get their foot in the door.

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Stop Making Money For Somebody Else and Start Making It For Yourself

More and more people are waking up to the fact that they don’t have to sit at work for 8 hours or more a day to make money for somebody else. They can put the same amount of work in and start making more money for themselves. Thanks to the power of the internet and the free resources available to us all, just about anybody can start a successful business

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