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The Guide To Easy Student Living

Image Source Living as a student is something that can be pretty difficult; it’s going to be your first time living away from home, which means you’re going to have to pay rent, utility and buy your own food, as well as finding the time and money after your studies to be going out with your friends! Stereotypically, this is a very difficult time for everyone financially, but there are

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The Best Frost Resistant Vegetables For Your Garden

Garden enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting spring time, when they get the chance to prepare their gardens for bloom, map out its colors, and enjoy the sight of birds returning to the trees. It’s no wonder spring and gardening go hand-in-hand, yet you can easily keep your surroundings beautiful during fall and winter too – as long as you know what to plant. Image credit: Pexels While most plants prefer a

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10 Ways to Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs

As the days get hotter, homeowners are looking to keep their homes as cool as possible. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, three-quarters of all homes own an air conditioner and these devices use up to 6% of all the electricity in the U.S. The annual cost of using the AC system piles up to $29 billion. This results in a lot of energy waste and carbon pollution, 117

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Not Sure How to go Green? Follow These Tips

Climate change is very real and happening all over the world. The point of going green is protect the planet for future generations. So, if you have children, imagine the type of world you want them and your grandchildren to live in. Acting now means you’re doing your part to ensure a safer future for them. Going green isn’t as complicated as it may look. There are lots of easy

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How to Choose the Best Internet Provider for You

Most people only have one or two options when it comes to internet providers. Sometimes it is cable versus DSL. Sometimes it is fiber versus satellite. But it is seldom a straightforward choice of good versus bad. And if you are one of the lucky few with three options, the decision can be quite difficult. Even if you know a lot about the technical details of internet service, it can

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A Thoughtful Touch Can Do So Much

(Image Link)   You’ve probably put a lot of effort into the way your home looks. You feel proud as you survey the castle you’ve built, knowing that each room reflects a different part of your personality. The work you have done to get to this point is great, but worth it nonetheless. There’s a part of your home which you may have ignored, though; the outer shell. The walls,

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An Outside To Match The Inside

(Image Link)   Most people spend a long time choosing the look for the inside of their home. It can take a few years before you are completely satisfied with the styles around your home. But, this time is worth it, because once you have the perfect spaces, you won’t have to change them for a long time. Of course, though, not quite as many people put the same effort

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Moving For Money-Saving Benefits: 3 Cities To Consider

One of the most commonly used statements in this day and age, when it comes to money, is “You get what you pay for”. Spend a few dollars less on an outfit, and when the stitching comes loose on the second wear? You got what you paid for. That cheap dishwasher powder left particles on your fine china? Sorry, but… well, you get the message. It’s also true of houses.

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What To Do When Your Car Has Hail Damage

Hail damage is one very pesky element to summer storm systems. Many insurance companies don’t cover hail damage, because it’s cosmetic and completely out of their control as to when it strikes. Often times the insurance company will cover hail damage if it has caused minimal damage. But how do you know what your insurance company covers and what they don’t in the event of hail? Here are some great

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Plant Some Roots In A Sunnier Climate

We’ve all had that feeling – particularly during harsh winters – when we just want to quietly retreat somewhere warmer for a few weeks. However, it takes time to save money for your dream vacation, and by the time you’ve booked a holiday the worst of winter is already over. However, if you already have a place to escape to, then half your booking problems are sorted. People who have

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