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Category Personal Finance

Celebrities Who Like Gambling

The situation of celebrities loving their gambling is not new at all. Since they get their money by doing what they love the most, most of them choose to spend through gambling.  There are so many actors who love spinning the roulette wheel. Some even go as far as testing their acting skills as they play poker. Just as much as they have made it in the media industry they

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How to Start Saving for a Baby Today

If you’re expecting a baby, then you’re probably feeling thrilled, excited, and full of love. However, as wonderful as this moment in your life may be, it’s important to remember that you’ve got a lot of preparing to do before your little bundle of joy gets here. When the excitement wears off and the morning sickness sets in, you’ll begin to realise just how expensive it can be to raise

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It’s Not Too Late to Start Making 2019 Your Best Financial Year Ever: Here’s What You Should Do

Great things happen if you manage your finances well. If you are currently having financial difficulties and would like to turn things around, then it’s not too late. You can still make 2019 your best financial year with the following tips. Set your financial goals and intentions. If you’re currently renting and would like to buy a home, make that your ultimate financial goal. Wanting to improve your credit standing

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Should You Go to a Lender for Money?

Unless you are making far too much money, there is a good chance that you are going to need to borrow money at some point. This is true even if you have a decent amount of savings. There are some items or services that are just too expensive for you to afford on your own. Even then, though, it isn’t unusual to be concerned about this decision. So, it is

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Budgets Work No Matter What Your Financial Situation

It doesn’t take much to accumulate a lot of debt. A short period of struggling due to the loss of a job or overtime, health problems, or a new baby is all it takes to deplete your extra money. And, once you get beyond your comfort zone with your monthly expenses, it can become challenging to make your payments on time. The good news is that creating a budget will

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Wonderful tips on how to overcome self-doubt

Making decisions on how to run your life can be a very stressful thing to do. Whether you are making these decisions on a personal level, social or professional level, you might face a challenge of self-doubt. Most people take most of their time asking many people on which choice they should take. Sometimes you will make the decision on the last minute when the opportunity is very important to

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5 Best Aftermarket Parts for BMW HP4 Race

If you have a BMW HP4, you’re probably well aware of its exceptional engineering. This is a limited-edition racing bike and each one was laboriously handmade. It takes a special kind of person to own this bike, and both enthusiasts and the developers are passionate about this innovative example of engineering. The BMW HP4 has fully carbon wheels and a fully carbon frame- the first bike in the world to

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Top Things Worth Investing in That Will Better Your Health, Happiness, and Success in Life

There are all kinds of things that you can invest your money and time in throughout your life, but not all those investments will be equal in terms of a non-monetary return. There are some things in life that may not cost much or require much time and effort on your part, but that can end up being life-changing. Recognising where to best spend your money and time can do

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Starting a Cleaning Company – Is it as Easy as it Sounds?

The cleaning sector is one of the fastest growing industries and is expected to reach over $46 billion by the year 2020. One of the factors that attract so many people to this business is the relatively low cost of entry. But while many people often assume that starting a cleaning service is all about finding a crew, getting a few buckets and cleaning supplies, and looking for clients, it

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A Simple Guide to Get you Out of Debts

The reason why you are reading this is that you are sinking in debts or you want to learn more about handling debts. Maybe along the way you have failed to control yourself or you were not prepared for the unexpected that might have landed you in debts. And it is a very good thing that you considered to take this step. Make sure by the time you finish reading

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