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Category Personal Finance

Risk Free Entrepreneur: How To Run A Business When You Already Have a Job

Having a job is all good and well, but if you want to reach the top dollar – and the financial security that goes along with it – then it’s no substitute for starting your own business. The problem isn’t that people don’t have ideas for a business. They have plenty of those. The issue is that they’re already working full time and don’t think they have the time to

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Should We Be Sell Outs? Damn Right!

Link   The majority of us view being a sell out as a bad thing. It means you have no morals and will do anything to save your skin. In this culture, no one likes to admit that they would sell their soul. But, why not? Contrary to popular belief, surrendering to the man has many advantages from a business and personal point of view. In fact, the more you

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The Money Talk: Young Adults and Overspending

When your children grow up to be financially reckless young adults, it can sometimes be difficult to hold your tongue. Speaking up may cause more harm than good – especially if you happen to touch a sensitive topic or give a particularly patronizing advice. When it’s done right, however, you may be able to help your children avoid the basic financial mistakes and even be in a better position than

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Automate To Build Wealth

For a lot of people, managing money takes up a significant amount of time and effort. But thanks to automation, that need no longer be the case. There are now more options than ever before to put the whole process on autopilot, allowing you to get on with your life without having to constantly worry about transferring money from one account to another. Here’s how. Automate Bill Payments, But Be

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Saving For A Downpayment Has Never Been Easier

Flickr   When it comes to saving for a down payment, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that down payments are still incredibly low. Some mortgage companies are offering incredible 3 percent downs, including Fannie and Freddie – the lowest we’ve seen since the financial crisis of 2009. That’s down from the usual 5 percent minimum up until now. But there’s a problem. Even a 3

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Health IQ – Mortgage Insurance Vs Life Insurance

Buying a home is the culmination of a lifetime of dreams for couples looking to start a family or put down roots in a neighborhood they want to call home. It’s also the most expensive purchase they’ll make in their lifetime. And the mortgage needs to be paid every month if the couple wants to maintain the roof over their head. In turn, this creates a unique stress in the

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Simple Ways To Make Your Money Go Further

It can often feel as though you simply don’t have the money to be able to stay on top of all of the bills and expenses that you have to deal with. This can lead a lot of people to feel that they’re barely keeping their head above water and that they’re moments away from going under. This can cause huge amounts of stress and anxiety for a lot of

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Replace and Repair: When Does it Make Sense to Pay a Bit More?

Being money-wise is about a lot more than just saving money. It’s a delicate balance between knowing when you’re being ripped off and understanding when you should actually pay up – yet, too many self-proclaimed frugals are reluctant to spend money where it matters. Purchasing something that’s a bit more expensive will really save you money in the long-run, instead of having to replace yet another broken appliance. Here is

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Top Tips To Taking Your Small Business To The Next Level Top Tips To Taking Your Small Business To The Next Level

  Picture From Pixabay Whether you simply wanted to be your own boss or wanted to turn your hobby into a profit, everyone has their own reason for setting up a small business, so everyone has their own reason for wanting it to succeed. Setting up your business is hard, but often taking it to the next level and ensuring it continues to thrive is much much harder. Follow these

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A Job Hopper’s Guide To Staying Solvent

File Studies show that an average worker doesn’t stay in a position longer than three years. If you’re savvy, it’s possible to earn more money and secure a better balance between life and work. At least, that’s what the boffins at seem to think. There is one problem, however, and it’s the gap between your last paycheck and getting paid. It can take awhile before the coffers are full

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