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Top 10 Ways to Save Money When Building your Dream House

It is expensive and stressful to build a house these days. This is why it is important to cut down costs and save money while you are building your dream house. It is beneficial that you need to find a reliable construction company who understand your needs and budget in making your dream house a reality.

1. Select a good contractor

A contractor that cares for you can save you thousands of dollars’ worth of materials. Thus, get as many contractor estimates and compare the material and labour costs separately before signing a contract.

2. Lumber

Lumber cost is the largest single material expense during house construction. Ask where your builder buys lumber then go there and ask for a bigger discount. If it is in a small town, do not be afraid to have your lumber sent from far as long as it is the right price.

3. Flooring

Most contractors use a different flooring contractor, one that gives them a different contractor rate then your contractor charges you an extra fee. The problem is usually the cost of the flooring materials. Therefore, visit the largest flooring store; they usually have a warehouse with clearance-priced remnants that are cheaper.

4. Fixtures

Light fixtures, ceiling fans and other fixtures can usually be bought separately at local home depot stores for less than your contractor will charge through a subcontractor. You can get a bigger discount when you sign up for the store’s commercial account or open a store credit card and here they can give you up to 10 percent discount for your first purchase.

5. Avoid what you don’t need

Splurge only on things you cannot do without. However, don’t be skimpy on structural components or windows and doors because the safety and security of your home will need you to buy the best you can afford on these.

6. Do it yourself

Get involved and do as much as you can. Anything you do will contribute to lower the costs of construction. Even little things are expensive and can take a professional as much time as it can take you to do. Thus, pick up material yourself, load and unload materials such as flooring, lumber or fixtures.

7. Avoid change orders

Changes in materials or blueprints that occur invariably amid the building can cost much money, waste time and bring much frustration during the building process. Thus, decide on what you want before the building starts and stick to it.

8. Selecting your house type

You can save a lot building upwards instead of out. This is because of the size of the foundation. A three-storey house will have a smaller foundation than a ranch-style house and will fit on a smaller house lot well.
9. Painting

Painting your own house can save you a lot! This is a project that you and your family can help out with. Organize a painting party with your family and friends on a weekend to paint your house.

10. Landscaping

Doing landscaping by yourself can save you thousands of dollars. Once the contractor has spread the loam using a bulldozer, you should be ready to continue from there. Spread your seeds and mulch. You can even plant your flowers and trees to save more money.