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5 Tips for Finding a Job You Love

In today’s market, finding a job is not easy. And yet, it is something most of us have to do. Finding a job you love is even more difficult than finding just about any job, but it is not impossible if you really set your mind to it and if you really want to make this happen. If you want to find the kind of job you will like going to, then do make sure to read the following tips because they are really good when it comes to helping you settle for something you love doing. I have personally had great experiences when applying for a job through a recruitment agency as they are literally paid to find you work – something to keep in mind!


What Do You Love?

This may seem obvious, but in order to find a job you like, you need to know what you like. Do you like writing? Painting? Building things? Designing things? Math? Quantum Physics? Make a list of the jobs you may like in the order of preference. See for which of the things you could settle for and which are completely unsuitable for you. Don’t think about anything else at this point and focus just on making sure that you really choose those types of jobs you would actually enjoy – no compromise included!

What Can You Do?

Dreaming about becoming an astronaut is very nice, but the truth is that being an astronaut is not a job, but a career that starts very, very early in life, when you are still in school, learning about the Big Bang. Thus, it is unlikely that you will land a “job” as an astronaut if you are not prepared to do it and if you don’t have the amazing skills NASA would require of you to work for them.
Alright, the astronaut example may be a bit “pushed”, but this works the same with less “fantastic” jobs as well. If you want to become a programmer, for example, you will really need the skills. So, get down to it and learn as much as you can (there is never such a thing as “I’ve learned enough” when it comes to the types of jobs we love).


Write Your Resume and Cover Letter
OK, now that you know what you want and you know what you can deliver, it is high time you applied on some jobs. To do this, you will need a resume and a cover letter. If you are applying for multiple types of jobs, make sure that you have a different resume and a different cover letter for each of them. You have to personalize your application according to the job you apply to!

Also, you can go for a creative resume as well, but do bear in mind the fact that these ones work better for jobs that require creativity (copywriting, designing and so on) and that they may not be that appreciated when you apply for, let’s say, a job at a bank.

As for your cover letter, always make sure it doesn’t cover the same things your resume does. Your potential employer doesn’t want to read about the things they’ve already read about in the resume, but about who you really are.

Sit the Interview

If your resume and cover letters are good and if your meet the skill set, you will most likely be called up for the interview as well. Make sure you look presentable and leave all nervousness at the door – they can’t cut your head off! Read some books about how to nail an interview and how to answer the trickiest of the HR questions and you should be just fine.


Don’t Get Disappointed

If you don’t land the job in the first place (or second or hundredth, for that matter), don’t get disappointed. It’s a really tough market out there and you will definitely land on something nice when the time comes. Yes, going around in the world without a job can be terrifying when you have to pay bills and feed yourself, but it is really, really important that you keep your spirits up! You don’t want to reach your 5th interview with a sad and uninterested look on your face just because the other 4 ones have disappointed you, do you? Put a smile on your face and keep your hopes up! The right job will come for you!