Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

June 2024

Things to Consider When Buying a Vacation Home

Is it time for you to invest in vacation property? It’s something that you need to consider if you are a person who likes a dedicated place to escape.  However, before you rush in, you have to make sure that it suits your lifestyle and your financial situation as well. Here are some of the major signs that you need to get a vacation home.  Financial Stability If you are

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Tips For A Great Road Trip This Summer

The summer is finally almost here and if you’re planning on taking a road trip this year, you want to make it a good one. There are so many things you can do to have a good road trip, you just need careful forward planning and making sure you’re all on the same page before you go. From car preparation tips such as car tinting to reduce glare and reduce

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