Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

November 2018

Currencies of United States, Mexico, and Canada

Currencies from around the world can be a fascinating topic to study. Looking into them can teach you a little bit about the countries themselves. You can learn about the economic climate that the countries are in, their financial struggles and successes. You can learn how to translate different currencies to each other in case of travel, and so many other interesting facts about the country itself. In this article,

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3 Ways to Give the Value of Your Home a Boost

There’s a good reason why many of us often invest a considerable amount of effort, time and money in our properties. Not only does it make things much more convenient and pleasing for us and guests alike, but we also minimize depreciation which allows us to get closer to our asking price in the event that the house needs to be sold. Since home improvement projects usually entail high costs,

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Career Choices: Here’s How to Choose Right

Figuring out what to do with your life is definitely not easy and a lot of people end up changing their mind when they’re half-way through their careers. This is a good thing, though, as it’s certainly better to start over and build something better than to stick with a field you’re miserable in – but what if we could just choose right, from the start? Here is a handful

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