Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

Posts by Danielle

3 Simple Tips To Live A Better Life (& Be Happier)

Everyone wants to have an amazing life, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes, your life could be a lot different than what you’d want. That doesn’t mean you’ve to settle for that. You could live a better life if you put the time and effort into it. It’s just a matter of knowing what you’re doing, and you’ll reap the rewards in time. It’s just a matter

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Things to Consider When Buying a Vacation Home

Is it time for you to invest in vacation property? It’s something that you need to consider if you are a person who likes a dedicated place to escape.  However, before you rush in, you have to make sure that it suits your lifestyle and your financial situation as well. Here are some of the major signs that you need to get a vacation home.  Financial Stability If you are

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Tips For A Great Road Trip This Summer

The summer is finally almost here and if you’re planning on taking a road trip this year, you want to make it a good one. There are so many things you can do to have a good road trip, you just need careful forward planning and making sure you’re all on the same page before you go. From car preparation tips such as car tinting to reduce glare and reduce

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How To Spruce Up Your Property So It’s Ready For Sale

When preparing your property for sale, it’s good to do what you can to spruce it up and make it the best it can be so that it’s fit for buyers to visit and hopefully buy. While your home’s value might have gone up in recent years, you shouldn’t see this as a guarantee that it will sell for the price you want. It might be that you need to

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Strategies For Maintaining An Organized And Productive Business

When it comes to being productive within your business, there are so many ways in which you can achieve this. Of course, every single business is different and every single person is unique. There are many situations all over the world whereby businesses lack discipline and organization. This kind of thing will mean that the company will only last so long before struggles mount up. If you want success and

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Managing Seasons: Making Your Property a Year-Round Home

If you live in a corner of the world that receives distinct seasons, then you don’t just have one home; you have multiple homes. After all, your property — and your experience of it — will be different in the depths of winter than it is during the height of summer. As such, it’s recommended that you take the time to ensure that your property is a year-round home. In

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Top-Notch Security Upgrades for the Modern Home

In the grand tapestry of life, your home is your stronghold, your sanctuary, and, let’s face it—your personal snack-filled haven. But in a world where a squirrel can go viral for sneezing, safety becomes paramount. So, if you’re looking to beef up your battlements without turning your abode into Fort Knox, here are some sophisticated, top-notch security upgrades that will make both you and your overfed cat sleep more soundly.

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What Are Your Priorities When Building A Residential Property?

Building property, of any kind, requires a lot of forethought and careful consideration. A few mistakes can result in the whole project being more costly and less of a return on investment than it should be. This is especially true for residential properties. Here, we’re going to look at some of the priorities you should keep in mind during the planning and build process, and why they’re so important. Your

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How Can You Help Your Family Financially When You’re Older?

You might stop working as you get older, but you can still spend a lot of time thinking about finances. As well as thinking about supporting yourself, you might consider whether you can still afford to help your family financially too. Even if you’re no longer working, a lifelong career could have put you in a position where you’re happy to help out your adult children or other relatives. You

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Healthy Living Made Easy: Simple Tips for a Better Lifestyle

In a world where the pace of life seems to accelerate with each passing day. Prioritizing our health often takes a backseat to the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a few simple adjustments to your daily routine, you can pave the way for a healthier, happier life. In this blog post, we’ll explore some easy

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