Dollars From Sense

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Posts by Danielle

Can Moving Your Business Improve Your Profitability?

Whether you are running a one-man band from home or already rent offices, you might be thinking about moving somewhere else. You might be paying too much rent, or have little or no foot traffic, parking and amenities nearby. While moving your business might be a scary idea, it can pay off long term, and help you increase your profits. Find out how below. Demographic Factors If you are running

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3 Tips For Surviving A New York Business Trip

New York is home to Wall Street so it’s no surprise that the city is the biggest business hub in the world. So many companies in all sorts of different industries do business in New York so there is a chance you might find yourself heading out there on a business trip at some point in your career. On arrival, you’ll find that the city is wildly different to anywhere

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3 Reasons Your Firm Needs Legal Representation Right Now

Entrepreneurs never know what is going to happen as they navigate their companies through the business world. It’s possible that you could get into trouble sometimes or end up in the courtroom for a variety of different reasons. If that happens, your firm will require expert legal representation to ensure it gets a fair deal. The last thing you want is to tie up all your time and resources fighting

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Cleaning Up & Improving Your Personal Reputation

No matter who you are, no matter where you’re from, if you hope to work in business to a degree (or anywhere for that matter,) then you’d be well suited to cleaning up and improving your business reputation from time to time. There are many factors that can contribute to either a good or bad reputation, and the totality of how you are perceived can change at any time. It

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What’s Stopping You Reaching Your Full Potential?

If you’re anxious to make a lot of money in life, you do need to think about what roadblocks are in your way and are stopping you from accomplishing this goal. From health problems to confidence and even physical appearance, there could be quite a few issues that are stopping you from reaching your full potential as a business player on the market. Let’s start off by thinking about the

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Making Cost Cutting Stay The Course

It’s the price of keeping your business ticking over. Making sure that you cut non-essential expenses, and keeping on top of your overall business costs is vital to your overall reputation, but the big problem with cutting costs is if it’s really a sure fire way to keep your business above water for the long-term, not just the short term. When we make cuts, we run the risk of cutting

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How Technology Can Help You Cut Business Costs

A lot of new entrepreneurs put a lot of focus on making sales when they first start doing business. And while this is a sensible thing to focus on, the reality for most businesses is that it often makes sense to put more focus on saving money. Ultimately, the less money you spend on creating a product or providing a service, the higher your profit percentage will be. Ultimately, trimming

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Should I Save or Should I Invest?

If you’re wondering whether to invest or save, don’t worry – you’re not the only one! Obviously the answer depends on your goals and your financial situation, but in short, when you save money in cash, you’re putting it away for when you need it most, or for something particular. Investing is all about trying to make your money grow over a longer period of time.   Here are are

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Making Your Business’ Money Go Further

It’s hard to be the most successful business in your industry. There’s so much competition, and the number of new businesses being created seems to grow exponentially, thanks to the birth of the internet. Still, if you want your business to truly succeed then it all comes down to money, at the end of the day. And making a profit isn’t the only thing your company should focus on –

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3 Surefire Ways To Destroy The Reputation Of Your Business

Having a good reputation is such an underrated part of a business. People don’t see the effects of reputation until something bad happens. When your business ends up in the news for all the wrong reasons, a massive sales decrease will happen. We see this all the time when big companies enter controversy. There was that massive Volkswagen controversy the other year, and they lost billions of dollars because of

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