5 Websites That Allow You To Save Money
Saving money in your everyday life can be a challenge. Whether it’s overspending on groceries, clothes, transport, it can be a tricky task to cut down on the amount you spend on everyday items. So below is a list of websites that allow you to save money and keep the finances in good shape.
When it comes to getting deals on just about everything Groupon is your go to website. You can save money on holidays, goods, and local services such as dentist check-ups, fitness classes and haircuts. It is free to sign up for an account and you can get email notifications of the type of deals you are looking for.
Have you heard of this wonderful website yet? Freecycle is a non-profit organisation that is completely free to use, you can either donate your old and unwanted furniture or you can use it to find furniture and other items. Not only is this kind to your pocket but its environmentally friendly also making it a double win. Give it a try you’ll be amazed by what you find.
Shiply is a free delivery comparison website that saves you up to 75% off standard delivery rates. It basically matches customers with couriers who are already making similar trips. Another website that is both kind to your pocket and our wonderful environment.
This really crafty website allows you to find recipes from what you have in your fridge our cupboards. This will help you to cut down on overspending on groceries and cut down on food waste. This website is also completely free and has an app for iOS and Android.
If you like second-hand clothing, then thredUp is a perfect website to try out. It allows you to buy and sell second-hand clothes online and they donate the proceeds of the items they do not accept to different charities. You can earn money and declutter your wardrobe of unwanted and unused items.
These are just a few of the websites that help you to pinch the pennies. There many other websites you can check out that also help you cut down on your spending such as Uber, RentTheRunway and Travel Supermarket.