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Practical Ways To Increase Your Income

Do you struggle to make ends meet at the end of every month? Do you wish you had more disposable income or are you worried about not being able to save for the future? Most people would like to have more money available after they’ve paid the mortgage, bills, and living costs. But how can you earn more? If you’re keen to boost your income, here are some practical pointers.


Changing job

This is a fairly dramatic way of boosting your income, but it could make a huge difference. This could be an option if you’re not happy in your current job, or you crave a change of scenery. If there’s nothing keeping you where you are aside from convenience, it may be time to explore different options. Finding a new job could give you more satisfaction, as well as boosting your income. Of course, if you love your job, you probably don’t want to give it up, but if you’re not desperate to stay where you are, it’s worth considering a new position.

Job hunting can be stressful, and you may have to endure a few setbacks before you find the perfect job for you. You don’t have to take the risk of handing your notice in before you get a new job. You can keep an eye out for suitable vacancies while you’re working. This way, you won’t lose out financially.

Before you start looking for a new job, think carefully about what you want to do, and set realistic expectations in terms of your earnings. It’s not unheard of, but it’s unlikely that you’re going to double your wages overnight. Make sure you have an up to date CV ready to fire off with your application forms and tailor each application to suit the role. If you haven’t done a CV in a while, you’ll find this page useful

Make sure you’re looking for jobs in the right places. If you’re a nurse, for example, visiting sites like jobs will be more useful than signing up with a recruitment agency that deals predominantly with office and administration work. If you search online, you may find that you come across a recruitment agency that deals specifically with the industry in which you hope to work.


Studying and training

If you have a job you love, you could maximise your earning potential by undertaking additional study or training. The more experienced you are, and the higher your level of expertise, the more you can expect to earn. If you’re looking for a job in the media, for example, you’ll be able to apply for better-paid jobs if you have a higher level of training or you have specific qualifications. If you haven’t been offered training opportunities, discuss this with your boss. Employers are often keen to encourage existing staff members to complete training, as it means they have a more skilled workforce.

If you don’t have your dream job at the moment, but you know what you want to do, studying may make you a better candidate. For some positions, you’ll need certain qualifications. If you don’t have them, you’ll probably lose out to competitors who do. If you’re thinking about studying, but you’re worried about money, it is possible to explore flexible options, such as studying online or doing a part-time course. In this case, you can study at the same time as working.


Supplementing your income

If you already have a job, but you’d like to earn more, there are ways of supplementing your income. If you don’t work full-time, it may be possible to find another part-time job if more hours aren’t available at your current job. You could also consider a money-spinning sideline. Are you a talented artist or do you speak languages? Are you handy around the house or do you love to sing? Use your talents to offer a service to others, or sell your skills. Offer a handyman service to the neighbours or record some tracks and try and sell CDs or gig tickets. Display your art or offer to teach children Spanish, French or German. Even if you only make a small amount each week, it all adds up. Your sideline could help you to put money away, or you could treat yourself to a night out, a new outfit or a break away from time to time.


Asking for overtime

Are you on a saving drive? Have you got an expensive year ahead? If you’re trying to cover the cost of a wedding, a new car or the holiday of a lifetime, you could consider taking on some overtime. Speak to your boss, and see if there are extra hours available. A few hours a week will make all the difference to your monthly salary, and you’ll hit your savings target much sooner. You could think about changing your hours. In some jobs, it’s possible to earn more by working antisocial hours. If you don’t mind doing a night shift from time to time, for example, or working weekends or holidays, you could boost your earnings.


Paying off debts

Are you earning enough, but spending too much on paying off debts? Have you got credit cards or an overdraft that are costing you money every month? If so, it may make better financial sense to take out a loan with a low interest rate and clear all your existing debts. This way, you’ll have a single payment each month, and you’ll be paying less in interest and fees. Your earnings won’t increase, but your outgoings will decrease, leaving you with more money at the end of each month. If you are considering taking out a loan, it’s beneficial to shop around. If you’re not really sure what you’re looking for, arrange an appointment with a financial adviser. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions before you sign on the dotted line. Once you know how much you’re going to be paying every month, you can budget more effectively.

Most of us would like to earn more in an ideal world. If you want to increase your income, take these tips on board. Consider different career options, ask for overtime, and don’t shy away from training and development opportunities. Be smart with your money, and make the most of your talents.