Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

June 2019

5 Ways to Improve Your Office Environment

Whether you’re working from a home office, or in a big corporate office, investing a little to make your office a nicer space can do wonders for your productivity. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably strongly influenced by how comfortable your work space is, so a small investment can go a big way into ensuring you enjoy being in your office and are working as well as possible. Here

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3 Tips for More Productivity in Your Day to Day Life

Do you struggle to get started on projects? Do you find it hard to concentrate and focus, spending much longer than you had budgeted on a task because you quite simply can’t stay on track? I think we all go through periods where we’re not as focused as we’d like to be, so I’ve created this post about my top three tips for more productivity in your day to life.

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3 Tips for Saving Time and Money on Your Next Move

Moving can be quite a big ordeal, not only do you have to deal with the logistics of physically moving, there’s often an emotional aspect to it too. You’ll be leaving your neighbourhood, your community and maybe even your town or country. Whether it’s a big move or just across the city, you’re going to want to prep and plan to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Here are

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