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Category Work

Value For Money: Workplace Implements You Should Invest In

Pexels   We all know the term ‘value for money,’ and what it means. We also all know that investing in quality can sometimes pay off and save us money long term. When you opt for goods and services which are proven to last long-term, you’ll need to replace them or upgrade them less. For this reason, and even on blogs like ours concerned with saving you money, the value

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Construction Companies: Demolish Your Overspending

A construction company certainly isn’t the cheapest business to run. If you want to keep your overheads low, it’s often best to consider something else. You might need to hire or even buy expensive equipment, and you often need a strong team of people to complete a project. Sometimes there might be permits to secure and red tape to cut through, and delays can often result in higher costs. Contractors

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The Early Warning Signs of a Failed Startup

According to research, over nine out of ten startups are destined to fail. That’s an astonishing number. Although the business press loves to discuss the sheer volume of startups springing up everywhere from Silicon Valley to Singapore, the future for most will not be a pretty one. However, if you do have a startup, there are usually a few reasons why your business idea will fail. Not only that, but

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Frugal Tips For Every College Student To Follow

We all know the jokes about being a student and it meaning that you live like a slob and eat beans out of the can. But being a frugal student doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice everything. You can still eat out from time to time or go to the movies. The difference is, you will have budgeted to do so. Some discipline means you can enjoy things like

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Office Space: Turning Your Home Into A Place Where You Can Work

Image Source For a lot of people, the idea of being able to work from home probably sounds like something of a dream come true. And it can’t be denied that there are a lot of benefits to being able to work from home, whether you’re running your own business or working as a freelancer. You get to avoid the morning commute, you have flexibility over where and when you

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You Must Watch Out For These Small Business Pitfalls

What is a pitfall? The basic definition is that it’s a hidden or unsuspected thing that can be dangerous or present difficulties. In a small business sense, it refers to any hidden or unknown thing that can damage your company. The best way to avoid a pitfall is to identify it beforehand. This way, you can smartly dodge the problem and leave your business undamaged.   The question is, what

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3 Crucial Steps To Follow When You’re Let Go From Work

(Source:   For whatever reason, there could be a time in your life when you’re let go from your current job. As a consequence, you could be in a very tricky personal finance situation. With no regular income, your personal budget becomes much tighter, and paying bills is a lot harder. If you’re not careful, this situation can spiral out of control, and you end up in a mountain

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Time To Get Savvy With Your Internet Marketing

Marketing is a great way to boost your business persona. It can help drive sales into your business, perhaps increase website traffic online, or simply enable you to boost your business presence online. However, there are great ways to take advantage of internet marketing, and there are wrong ways to do it. I wanted to share with you how you can get a little more savvy with your internet marketing

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On/Off? Where To Train Your Staff?

Image   Training is a fundamental part of developing your staff. They will always need some sort of fine-tuning to better develop within your company, or to help them progress further up the ladder, or even to end up leading your company one day. Multi-skilled workers are resourceful ones, so it is vital for you to make sure that they are tooled up with the most up-to-date techniques, processes, and

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Limit Your Company Outgoings Using Modern Technology

There are many ways in which the use of modern technology could assist business owners in saving money. Indeed, that is why so many entrepreneurs spend hours every day reading industry-related magazines and blogs. Those are some of the best places to identify the best new concepts and learn more about them. With that in mind, this article will draw your attention towards a few of the methods you might

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