The Most Dangerous Jobs in History
Most of us have to work in order to earn a keep, the one parent working household a thing of the past. With the current health crisis we’re experiencing, many jobs have become work from home jobs spontaneously, allowing a privileged few to continue to work without increasing their risk of exposure. For others, working on the frontline or in essential work, such as nurses and supermarket workers, the risk continues. Compare Compensation have put together a fascinating article about the most dangerous jobs in history, so read on if you’d like to learn more.
1. Leech Collectors
Back in the early 1800s leeches were all the rage. It was believed that a person’s blood could go bad, and leeches were used to try to extract as much as possible. In order to collect the leeches, the collectors would go into ponds themselves and attract the leeches on their legs. Unfortunately this was an extremely low paid job and had a number of health risks that could have both short term and long term affects.
2. Child Chimney Sweeps
Because many of the chimneys during the 1700s and 1800s were narrow, it was the “perfect” job for a small child. They could easily fit inside and sweep the coal from the sides, however the toxic soot cause a range of health issues from cancer, respiratory problems, right through to dangerous falls. Having children work this kind of industry now would be a lawsuit just waiting to happen!
3. Hat makers
You might think being a hat maker was a low risk job, but you would be wrong. Many of the hat makers would use strong chemicals, such as mercury, to make the fur stick together. It’s one of the most toxic chemicals known to man and caused brain damage. The lasting effects could range from paranoia right through to other issues such as shaking.
Thankfully our modern lives are safer than ever, and although we are currently in hard times, we have a whole range of technological advancements in order to keep ourselves safer than ever.