Simple Saving for the New Year
There are so many ways to save a few extra cents, and altering your spending on non-essential items is easier than you might think. By simply reducing the coffee run spend by $12 a week, over $600 dollars can remain firmly in your bank account. Similarly, cutting the alcohol spend by $30 a week can save $1,560 per year, which could be as simple as having two or three fewer drinks over 7 days, or sharing a bottle at home rather than heading out on the town. Where fashion, gadgets and entertainment are concerned, look for deals, special offers, or simply shop at certain times of year, by spending only $60 per month less, $780 can be saved.
Check out the infographic below (from MyBudget) and start changing loose change into large dollars.
See your Savings Soar with Simple Budget Busting Tips
Australians spend a lot of money on discretionary items; a healthy $19.0 billion on recreation, and a not so healthy $14.1 billion per annum on alcohol. Fashion and beauty come in at $5.1 billion and $8.0 billion respectively, and gadgets cost Aussies $9.5 billion per year. That’s an estimated 55.7 billion dollars of non-essential spending.
If you’re feeling the pinch towards the end of each month take a look at the infographic and see where you can reign in spending. Just saving $12 per week on coffee purchases add up to an extra $624 per year, and rationing the alcohol spend to $30 less saves $1560 over a year. Just adopt a few sneaky budget busters to watch your annual savings soar.