Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

October 2017

Saving For Big Ticket Items The Sensible Way

Image Credit Throughout life, there’ll be times when you can’t get away from the fact that you need to purchase something that’s going to cost you a hefty sum. This could be a new car after your trusty old banger has finally seen its final journey, a new kitchen appliance or even a new home. Inevitably, the need for some big ticket items won’t slowly creep up on you but

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Drive Safely In Winter

Image It might be too early to mention it, but it is less than 100 days until Christmas. If you’ve been to any big stores like Costco in the last few weeks, you’ll notice a flurry of festive decorations creeping onto the shelves. Winter is almost upon us, and with winter comes the crowds of people roaming the streets for presents. With there being more people in the stores, it

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On/Off? Where To Train Your Staff?

Image   Training is a fundamental part of developing your staff. They will always need some sort of fine-tuning to better develop within your company, or to help them progress further up the ladder, or even to end up leading your company one day. Multi-skilled workers are resourceful ones, so it is vital for you to make sure that they are tooled up with the most up-to-date techniques, processes, and

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Limit Your Company Outgoings Using Modern Technology

There are many ways in which the use of modern technology could assist business owners in saving money. Indeed, that is why so many entrepreneurs spend hours every day reading industry-related magazines and blogs. Those are some of the best places to identify the best new concepts and learn more about them. With that in mind, this article will draw your attention towards a few of the methods you might

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10 Areas to Cut Business Expenses

  Photo Credit Cutting your business expenses doesn’t necessarily mean that your company is in trouble; it simply means that you are looking at ways that you can run the most efficient organisation possible. There are a host of areas that you can target for cuts and we are going to take a closer look at some of them here. Remember, managing your business expenditures is something that you should

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Small Ideas To Help You Fix Your Household

Picture Source Every household suffers from the groans and croaks of old age. As time goes on, the kids get older, bigger, and clumsier, of course, but it’s not just about your growing family. Things simply wear out in any household and that’s why it’s so important to keep on top of maintaining your home before such things fall into disrepair. Here are some small ideas to help you fix

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How To Defend Your Business From Hackers

Image Source Small businesses are becoming more prone to cyber-attacks. Hackers are stealing data and using this to blackmail small businesses into paying out. If you’re a small business, here are a few ways that you can ward off hackers.      Keep digital security software renewed Most of us have digital security software installed on our computers, but not all of us make sure that it’s continuously updated. Newer

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Trade Your Way to Financial Prosperity

Traders might seem like people living on another planet to you. But trading is a lot more accessible than you imagine. You just need to know the rules of the game and understand what’s involved. Once you have the basics nailed down, there will be nothing stopping you from finding real success as a trader. Here are the things you will need to know before you dive in.   Always

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Low Maintenance Means More Productivity

One of the concepts of business that few people seem to understand is the correlation between maintenance and productivity. Let’s use an obvious example to try and illustrate what this means. Source   Micromanagement is bad Let’s say you have five employees that need constant supervision. This is because you play a huge role in the office and everything needs to be approved by you before it’s pushed to the

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8 Budgeting Tips That Anyone Can Apply

Budgeting is one of the best ways to make sure that you don’t overspend when it comes to managing your finances. Unfortunately, some of us are simply better at budgeting than others. While there are certainly some people out there who seem to never have enough money, there are also many who suffer from a range of reckless spending habits. Regardless of what might be holding you back from financial

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