Dollars From Sense

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Posts by Danielle

Who To Hire When Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a complicated process and there are many stages that may require professional help. Here are some of the people that you may want to hire when purchasing a home and what you can look for in order to get the best talent for the job. Mortgage brokers Mortgage brokers such as Altrua Financial could be worth hiring if you’re struggling to find a mortgage lender

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Where Does All Of Your Money Go?

Have you ever looked at your finances and wondered where all of your money has gone? You wouldn’t be the first, and you certainly won’t be the last! We all have bouts of not handling our finances well from time to time. Knowing where our money is truly going is important if you’re ever going to get a handle on your spending! Author Using Your Notes If you’re living in

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Simple Ways To Save Money Getting Your Degree

Education is incredibly expensive, and it’s only getting more expensive each year. Because of this, more and more people are finding it difficult to pay for the education they need to get the degree they want, and even more than this are struggling for money while they’re studying. It’s easy to suggest for these people to get a job to help them out financially, but you can only work so

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Your Business Has a Warehouse: Is It Running Efficiently?

There’s no golden bullet when it comes to running a business efficiently. We just need to see what works for us, our employees, and so on. However, there’s one aspect of business where things are a little bit more clear-cut; where you can make a few small changes and see improvements in productivity almost instantly. If you have a warehouse as part of your business, then take a read below.

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9 Business Tips For Tourist Town Success

Some people think that the world is divided into small businesses, downtown, and online, but this isn’t quite true. There’s a whole other world out there, places that can often be sleepy but occasionally burst into life. They are the tourist towns, the ones that people from across the country – and globe – flock to when they want to escape their normal life. And when they arrive, they have

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How to save money when moving abroad

Moving abroad is an extremely exciting time, it is the perfect opportunity to completely reinvent yourself. However, even during these exciting times there are financial decisions that need to be made. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your move financially. Invest in a moving manager Yes, this will incur a financial cost, but the emotional and mental benefits far outweigh this expense. Following an initial

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Affordable tips for creating stunning effects in the home with tiles

You can add a touch of style and originality to any room of the home using tiles, and what’s more, you will find tiling extremely affordable. Modern homes utilise tiles in a variety of different ways, they’re not just relegated to kitchens and bathrooms nowadays and can create unique effects and features. Tiles can add a luxurious appearance to rooms and can be used as accent features in borders or

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DIY Tools you Need to Invest in, to Save Money Longterm

When it comes to DIY, there are some jobs that you can do at home. It does mean that you need the right tools and it is better that you have these in advance. Between practical courses, YouTube tutorials, and online step-by-step guides there is a lot of money to be saved by digging in and taking care of a job that needs doing. Make sure you get your tools

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How to Expand Your Small Holding into a Business

One of the best ways to achieve financial freedom and true independence is to set up a smallholding where you can produce enough food for your family to live on. This is certainly an extreme thing to do in modern society where the vast majority are dependent on all kinds of other things to make their daily bread, but if it is a dream of yours, there is very little

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Free Social Media Tools You Should be Using

Any small business owner knows how vital it is to have access to free or cheap tools that help to keep the business running smoothly. Social media is a big key to the success of all activity in this hyper-connected time. With everything in social media use what works for your business and your intentions. Utilize Social Mentions. While we are busy getting out messages across on all your social

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