Dollars From Sense

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Posts by Danielle

A Guaranteed Guide To Making Money From Your Artistic Pursuits

Everybody on the planet has the skills to be creative in one way or another. One person might be great at drawing, while another might absolutely love making furniture out of tree trunks. Different strokes for different folks! Some people love creating things so much that it’s all they ever want to do. When you feel like this, it only make sense to work on making money from your artistic

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Great Tips For Networking Newbies

Photo – Pixabay Networking is important for most people, no matter what line of work they are in. If you are self-employed, then getting to know people at networking events can help you land your next client, and it can also be an advantage for those who are in full-time employment as it gives you the chance to meet and discuss things with influencers in your industry. However, networking can

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Don’t Get Lost In The Business Of Translation

Translation services are a very particular type of business. That means to run them successfully and make a profit you need a very particular set of skills. Of course, part this is your talent in understanding something in one language and being able to convey it in another. However, don’t forget the business side of the equations either, as that is vital to thriving too. So, with that in mind

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Live The Dream: Turn Your Hobby Into A Profitable Venture

Most people never manage to convert their hobbies and interests into a profitable venture because they don’t know where to start. However, the advice you’re getting today should assist in turning your situation around and highlighting the best strategies to follow. Of course, you’re going to require a basic understanding of the business world and how companies operate. For that reason, it might make sense for you to take a

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5 Ideas For Passive Income Online

Passive income is the goal for many of us. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of being able to sit watching Netflix for an evening, but be earning money at the same time? Passive income is like sowing seeds, then waiting for them to flower and your personal budget to expand. However attractive passive income is, there’s also the reality: getting there is difficult. You’re going to have to

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Cash Flow Headaches You Need to Avoid

No business can afford to let cash flow problems get out of control to the point at which they start to but the company at risk. It doesn’t need to happen, but it so often does. Small businesses fail all the time, and one of the most common explanations is linked to cash flow. So, if you need to be aware of the headaches that you should try to avoid

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Business Is All About Profit

The title couldn’t be more true. You enter business with your focus purely on profit. Why wouldn’t you? There’s no better feeling than finding your feet, and making some good headway in terms of profit. But being money hungry and purely focused on that is some business’s downfall. All their attention will be on the money element, and they’ll fall short in other areas such as quality, customer service, or

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Moving Your Online Business Offline

Image Source Most businesses today don’t begin with a shop lease being signed and a store opening on the high street. The majority of businesses are now opening on ecommerce websites like these and are running out of offices and home offices. There’s nothing wrong with opening a business online, but when you do that while also having to hire out warehouse space for storage and you have to buy

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Emergency Fund – Have You Sorted Yours?

No one knows exactly what the future has in store for them. Unfortunately, this makes it very difficult to predict when something bad might happen to us. And this is why emergencies occur. We are often taken by surprise by certain events and put in some very precarious situations. Emergencies, no matter what type of how bad they are, can often prove to be very costly. For instance, if you

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3 Primary Concerns Of Running A Hotel Business

Hotel Lobby. Source When done correctly, a hotel business can bring in loads of money. I’m sure you’ve all stayed in a hotel before and been amazed at how expensive it costs. Now, times what you paid by how many rooms are in the hotel, and you get a pretty massive figure. The take-home is large, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when running a hotel business. In fact,

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