Dollars From Sense

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Category Personal Finance

How to save money on your food bill 

Although we all love eating, the cost of buying it all from the grocery store can ruin your appetite! Studies have shown that the average family in the US spends 10% of its annual income on the food bill, which is a massive amount. If you are looking for some great, easy ways to save money on your food buying then we can help. Take advantage of sale items One

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Why You Should Focus On The Process, Not The Finances!

Pixabay   One of the big worries about business is finances. This is going to be a constant, how to save money, how to streamline, what is expendable and what isn’t? These things can keep you up at night. But when it comes to saving money, we aren’t looking at the situation correctly. In fact, you shouldn’t think about saving money, because the correct business processes, if in place, will

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Live The Dream: Turn Your Hobby Into A Profitable Venture

Most people never manage to convert their hobbies and interests into a profitable venture because they don’t know where to start. However, the advice you’re getting today should assist in turning your situation around and highlighting the best strategies to follow. Of course, you’re going to require a basic understanding of the business world and how companies operate. For that reason, it might make sense for you to take a

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5 Ideas For Passive Income Online

Passive income is the goal for many of us. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of being able to sit watching Netflix for an evening, but be earning money at the same time? Passive income is like sowing seeds, then waiting for them to flower and your personal budget to expand. However attractive passive income is, there’s also the reality: getting there is difficult. You’re going to have to

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Cash Flow Headaches You Need to Avoid

No business can afford to let cash flow problems get out of control to the point at which they start to but the company at risk. It doesn’t need to happen, but it so often does. Small businesses fail all the time, and one of the most common explanations is linked to cash flow. So, if you need to be aware of the headaches that you should try to avoid

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Emergency Fund – Have You Sorted Yours?

No one knows exactly what the future has in store for them. Unfortunately, this makes it very difficult to predict when something bad might happen to us. And this is why emergencies occur. We are often taken by surprise by certain events and put in some very precarious situations. Emergencies, no matter what type of how bad they are, can often prove to be very costly. For instance, if you

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Your Financial Windfall: A Step-By-Step Management Guide

PublicDomainPictures // pixabay Most of us dream of the day when we might receive a financial windfall. We think how wonderful it will be; how freeing; how we could pay off all our debts and focus on the future without money being a concern. Then it happens… and you realize that, actually, dealing with a windfall is incredibly stressful. Okay, so it’s a good type of stress. It’s the type

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Cutting Comms Costs Without Cutting The Chatter

As time is money, just about everything in the business is an expense. But there’s more than time wasted by inefficient communication methods. Communication, both internal and external, is vital in any business. But without thinking about how exactly you communicate, you could be spending more money on processes you could easily get for free. Here are just a few ways you can immediately reduce those comms costs and make

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Time To Get ‘Responsible’ With Money & Finance?

pexels A lot of us are taking a more ethical approach towards many different things in life these days. Recycling, reusing, and choosing specific businesses that match our personal feelings about the environment and green issues are slowly becoming the norm. But there’s one area that the vast majority of people are lagging behind in – a more ethical, responsible way of using, borrowing, and investing money. The trouble is

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Give Your Back Pocket A Boost With These Simple Money Making Tips

Image Source   We could all do with a bit of extra money here and there. Unless you’re the kind of person who’s so obscenely wealthy that you simply don’t have to worry about money, the idea of even a little bit extra can be incredibly tantalising. However, a lot of people feel as though they’re locked into a certain level of income no matter what they do. Well, that

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