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What Tax Deductions Can Landlords Claim?

Owning a rental property is an excellent source of income, but it can also be expensive to run. That’s why savvy landlords take advantage of tax deductions where they can as a way to reduce the overall cost of managing a rental property. From plumbing problems to your electric bill, knowing what tax deductions landlords can claim is a valuable lesson for every investor. However, navigating the complex world of

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The True Cost of Real Estate: Closing Costs and Beyond

When it comes to real estate, the old adage “you get what you pay for” is certainly true. But in addition to the purchase price of a home, there are a number of other costs that must be considered. These include closing costs, moving costs, and the ongoing costs of ownership such as property taxes, utilities, and maintenance. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at closing costs, what

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The Top Strategy To Becoming Financially Secure

If you’re like most people, you probably are concerned about your finances. If the pandemic taught us anything is that literally, anything can happen at a moment’s notice, so having a cash reserve is crucial.  But how can you develop a cash reserve when you’re living paycheck to paycheck?  To develop financial security and build up some savings, you need to take a short-term approach with a long-term game strategy. 

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Tax Returns for Freelancers: 4 Things You Should Know

Working as a freelancer can be a liberating experience. You get to choose your clients, be your own boss, set your own schedule, among other perks. The promise of independence and flexibility has drawn more people to take up freelancing full-time. A 2019 Upwork study revealed that over 57 million Americans do freelance work, representing 35% of the workforce. However, running a freelance business also comes with increased responsibilities.  In

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Best Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

For most people, putting aside a small amount of money is a hard thing to do, especially if they are on a tight budget. Many families end up in trouble because of some money issues. Lack of money can cause a lot of stress. Yes! There are things that money can’t buy but it would be of great relief if you have the money to pay the bills and buy

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Fast Cash Options to Consider in 2021

Times are tough for millions of American families. Unemployment, underemployment, and uncertainty about the future are driving unprecedented levels of financial anxiety. Help is allegedly on the way, but the bills are due now. With this in mind, let’s take a look at several options for getting fast cash when you need it most. For many people, that means now. Cash Advance Tax refunds are a huge source of financial

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Want To Earn More Money In 2016? Read This

Money might not be the most important thing in this world, but gaining a brighter financial future will certainly benefit your life. In truth, the quest for earning more is something that everybody should look to follow. After all, it’s not just about personal rewards. Achieving this life goal will also create a far greater future for your loved ones too. It might sound like a daunting task, but it

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Living in the Countryside: Financial Pros and Cons to Consider

We all sometimes dream of moving to the country, because of the unique set of amazing benefits that it offers.  Pros of Living in the Country Living in the country allows us to be closer to nature and live among God’s creatures. After a short time living this type of lifestyle, people often feel that living any other way is simply not natural. And there are great benefits to living

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5 Must-Have Features For a Real Estate App

Real estate app development market is thriving. People are used to change places to live, rent, buy or sell properties, pursuing their dreams, career. As everyone is becoming more and more mobile, it’s not a surprise that real estate apps are so popular nowadays. Such behemoths as Airbnb and Booking offer users a wide range of features and an enormous list of listings making them the best online platforms for

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How to Play Monopoly (Part 2)

Last time, we taught you how to play Monopoly. In this article, we finish off the lesson to help you become a pro at the game. Auction any unsold property If you happen to land at on a property that is not owned by anyone and you don’t buy it, it’s auctioned by the banker and sold to the highest bidder. All the bids will start at $1 and will

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