Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

Posts by Danielle

Easy Ways to Get Some Extra Cash

There are two ways you can get some extra cash each month, you can either save on your expenses or you can try and make some more. There are some really simple ways to get some extra cash that anyone can try out and see great results. Having a little extra money can make the biggest differences in anyone’s life. It gives you peace of mind having some money behind

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Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Business

If you want your business to be successful, then it needs to be innovative; it needs to be appealing, and it needs to build confidence in your customers. When you’re just starting out, it can be hard to come up with ways of fulfilling this criterion, which is why it is so useful to find as many sources of inspiration as you can – doing so will make your business

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The Best Old-School Ways to Get Your Business Noticed

Most of our marketing strategies nowadays focus on modern digital marketing plans. Especially those of us that manage small businesses and don’t have huge budgets to push our companies forward. Digital marketing is fantastic. It gives you an excellent way to reach a wide group of people, through social media, influencers and online advertising, without spending massive amounts of money or hours of our valuable time. It’s easy to set

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A Sweet-Scented Home On A Budget

We’re not for one minute suggesting that interior design, clever decorating and innovative furnishings don’t make a home a home. They do. Of course, they do. Aesthetics has to have a massive influence on the way we feel when we arrive back to our humble abodes. But the secret to a warm and welcoming place is the way it smells. Fragrances play on one of the most powerful senses we

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Personally Adapting To Stressful Business Situations

It can be hard running a business. Not just because you have many things to take care of, but the real wear and tear of daily life and pressure can take a toll on you. We all know the importance of physical health. Sleeping is important. Work/life balance is important. Eating well throughout the day is important. However, it’s not all there is. Personally adapting to stressful business situations also

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3 Signs That Your Relationship With Your Business Has Gone Bad

Most of us have been in a relationship that started out with such promise. The sweet scent of romance was in the air constantly and when you met that certain someone, everything that they said and did was so charming that it was practically intoxicating. It seemed that you simply couldn’t bear to live your life without them. Over time, however, the cracks begin to show. You began to realize

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Is Your Employer Keeping You Safe?

There are jobs out there in the world that carry a much more significant risk than others. Aside from the obvious – looking at the job description – there are ways to tell if your job is riskier than others based on the benefits and salary on offer. For example, a line installer will always earn more money working on the line than a nurse in a hospital, because of the risk

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Why Starting a Business Isn’t as Expensive as You Think

Perhaps you’ve seen all of the advertisements and success stories over the internet about a regular employee making it big when they decided to create their own company. Maybe you’ve read about the YouTuber successes where people can make hundreds in a single day working at home in their own time. There are plenty of ways to start a business now and with so many ideas out there, the idea

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4 Ways To Delicately Deal With A Workplace Injury

You hear it happen to other people and never think it will happen to you. Then, there is a slip or a fall in the office and you’re in a predicament. How on earth are you supposed to react? The American workplace is a highly sensitive and political organism and no one wants to break a link in the chain. Yet, suffering from another person or entity’s negligence isn’t fair.

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Home Is Where The Savings Are: Everyday Changes to Fill Your Wallet

Your house or apartment will often be your biggest investment, and you’ll be steadily paying your mortgage off or rental costs each month. Monthly accommodation costs, even though they’re sometimes expensive, make sense in the scheme of things, as they keep a roof over your head and that of your family’s. However, the aspects of your everyday life at home could be costing you far more than necessary each month.

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