Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

August 2017

10 Ways to Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs

As the days get hotter, homeowners are looking to keep their homes as cool as possible. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, three-quarters of all homes own an air conditioner and these devices use up to 6% of all the electricity in the U.S. The annual cost of using the AC system piles up to $29 billion. This results in a lot of energy waste and carbon pollution, 117

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Five Minute Financial Fixes

No one has enough time anymore.   We’re all busy. Too busy to see our friends; too busy to do all the things we want around the house. The busy phenomenon has become so pervasive, there’s now a thousand and one oped pieces discussing why we’re all so busy. The snake is beginning to eat its own tail because, of course, we’re all far too busy to read them.  

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Find Jobs as an Owner Operator

If you are just starting out as an owner operator, or you only have a small fleet of trucks you manage, it can be difficult for you to land new clients and contracts. There are many people chasing after the same contracts as you are, and you cannot offer the volume and the range of a major trucking company. However, if you adjust your expectations and how you view this

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How To Choose The Right Bed For You!

Pixabay   We all know how important sleep is. Lack of it, and you’ll find yourself grouchy, tired, and unable to function your body and mind properly. – Not a good luck. The wrong bed results in all of the above, as well as being left with sore muscles and a bad back. All this can be avoided with these simple tips on how to choose the perfect bed.  

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5 Effective Options For Getting Yourself Out Of Short-Term Financial Difficulty

  When you find yourself in financial difficulty, it’s easy to panic. But when you do panic, you can find yourself getting further into trouble. On the other hand, you may be more likely to ignore the problem and pretend that it doesn’t exist. Either way, both solutions will not fix the problem. In fact, they can often make it work. So, instead, you need to take action. But at

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The Digital Careers You Might Want To Consider

We are beginning to live in the digital age where more things are online based these days. There is an abundance of information at the tips of our fingers waiting to be unveiled or indeed explored. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that more careers are becoming digital focused and there are a number of ways and career options you could be considered as your next move. I thought I

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Is Your Budget Ruining Your Life?

For the vast majority of people, there’s a pretty good chance that living on a budget is becoming a more and more significant part of everyday life. The sad fact is that the cost of living is constantly going up and very few people are in the position where their income is increasing to match it. Because of this we are all being forced to make our money go much

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Putting A Price On Health

If you want to stand a chance at affording decent healthcare, medical insurance is a must. Without it, something as small as a broken arm could leave you bankrupt. It’s a worrying reality, but one we all face each day. The idea of not being able to afford treatment when we need it is enough to keep us awake at night. So, we continue to pay into monthly plans and

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Before Taking Your Company to the Next Level, Be Aware of These Dangers

Before you go ahead with those expansion plans that you have, you need to be aware of some of the dangers associated with taking your company to the next level. When you know the problems that you’re going to have to contend with, it puts you in a much stronger position going forward. So, read on now to learn about some of the dangers that could spell disaster for your

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You’ll Need These Traits To Succeed As A Business Pro

  When you sink your teeth into business, you will have a long term goal in mind. It’s a goal that many business professionals share. You want to reach the top of the market, either by running and leading your own company. Or, by claiming a high up position in an existing business. How do you complete this goal? Well, there are a variety of options.   You could immediately

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