Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

Posts by Danielle

How to Improve your health and wellness this year

If you’re like many people, you may be committed to ensuring that this year is the year that you truly improve your health and wellness, by getting into shape, sorting out your mindset, meeting your money and career goals, and improving your relationships. While it’s great to have these resolutions or goals, you’ll find it’s crucial to also have actionable steps you can take to meet them. Here are a

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The Curse Of Clutter. Don’t Let Guilt Stop You Making Money On Unwanted Gifts!

With the new year well and truly underway, most of us want to remove all signs of the festive season. That’s easier said than done if you received gifts you didn’t want. Let’s be honest, we all receive a few things that we wouldn’t consider the best gifts in the world. These have a habit of cluttering our homes and stopping us moving forward. Solve the problem by getting rid

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Oops! Don’t Make These Costly Errors When It Comes To Sorting Out A Nursery In Your Home

It’s easy to splurge when it comes to sorting out your baby’s nursery. After all, you want the best of the best for your little one. But with all the expenses of pregnancy, and the loss of earnings when you are on maternity leave, you have to be careful with your spending. In fact, here are some costly errors people make when it comes to sorting out a nursery in

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The cost breakdown of dental work

If you or a family member have ever avoided a trip to the dentist because you are terrified of the rising costs of dental care – then you are not alone. A lot of people avoid going to the dentist because their dental insurance does not offer the level of coverage that they need, or they cannot afford to pay their co-pay amounts. Unfortunately, high dental bills are not just

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The Importance of Dental Health

Taking care of your gums, teeth is crucial, and good dental and oral hygiene can help prevent gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath, while also helping ensure you keep your teeth as you age. Researchers are continuing to discover more reasons for people to floss and brush. A health mouth can help you ward off infections and medical disorders, while unhealthy mouths with gum disease can increase the risk

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The best gifts for the traveller in your life

With Christmas around the corner, you may find that there are a few people you simply haven’t yet bought for. It could be that they’re too tricky to buy for, or they’re constantly on the go so it’s hard to know which gifts are the best choice. Personally, as someone who has done a lot of travelling and seen so many different places, I have a pretty good idea of

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6 Simple Ways To Get More Offline Sales

If you have a physical business, getting more offline sales is likely pretty important to you. There may be a few tricks you’re missing if you don’t feel you’re making as many sales as you could be. Use the following 6 simple ways to get more offline sales. Arrange Things In A Way That Makes Sense Take a look at your physical premises and ask yourself if things are arranged

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Shoot For The Moon! Why It’s Important To Try And Better Yourself

If you search online, you’ll find an endless stream of motivational quotes. Sayings can be inspirational. But it’s not enough to read the words. You also have to act on them. You only get one shot at life, so why not make it amazing? You don’t need to do something incredible every day. But don’t rest on your laurels. Make goals, and get out there and make them come true.

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Passion Investing: Turning your hobby into profit

According to the Financial Times, interest in ‘passion investments’ has increased strongly over the last ten years. Passion investing is the process of allocating wealth toward high-value collectibles, and has gained traction in a number of different industries, from classical cars to fine wine. As high net worth individuals are turning their hobbies into profit, we look at those trends and ask if now is the time to invest. Classic

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4 Things to Consider When Taking Your Business on the Road

Taking your business on the road can prove to be lucrative, with the potential to make valuable contacts, grow your brand and increase sales. It can open up a whole new world of possibilities and provide exciting new business ventures, as well as allow you to fulfil your travelling dreams. There are many benefits of taking your business on the road but to make sure you can achieve your business

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