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Category Health

The Best Frost Resistant Vegetables For Your Garden

Garden enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting spring time, when they get the chance to prepare their gardens for bloom, map out its colors, and enjoy the sight of birds returning to the trees. It’s no wonder spring and gardening go hand-in-hand, yet you can easily keep your surroundings beautiful during fall and winter too – as long as you know what to plant. Image credit: Pexels While most plants prefer a

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How To Choose The Right Bed For You!

Pixabay   We all know how important sleep is. Lack of it, and you’ll find yourself grouchy, tired, and unable to function your body and mind properly. – Not a good luck. The wrong bed results in all of the above, as well as being left with sore muscles and a bad back. All this can be avoided with these simple tips on how to choose the perfect bed.  

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Putting A Price On Health

If you want to stand a chance at affording decent healthcare, medical insurance is a must. Without it, something as small as a broken arm could leave you bankrupt. It’s a worrying reality, but one we all face each day. The idea of not being able to afford treatment when we need it is enough to keep us awake at night. So, we continue to pay into monthly plans and

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How To Drop Bad Health Habits Like A Lead Balloon

Bad health habits – we all have them. Whether we like to admit it or not, they exist and put our health in jeopardy. However, the trick isn’t to focus on the negatives but the positives. That means it’s time to forget about self-deprecation and to take up self-enhancement. How are you going to do this? After all, some habits act like addictions and take a lot of willpower to

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Not Sure How to go Green? Follow These Tips

Climate change is very real and happening all over the world. The point of going green is protect the planet for future generations. So, if you have children, imagine the type of world you want them and your grandchildren to live in. Acting now means you’re doing your part to ensure a safer future for them. Going green isn’t as complicated as it may look. There are lots of easy

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Save or Spend – Can You Get Fit Without Going Bankrupt?

Sometimes improving our physical health can be so hard to do, especially as it seems like we have to spend a fortune to do it. But do we really have to use up a lot of money to get physically fit, or can the same results be achieved on a budget? Read on to find out.   Save – find a better value work out Picture   So as soon

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Advice For Physicians On Stress Management

Many people suffer stress from their jobs, but there are some careers that can carry more stress than others. Those in the medical profession for example, who work long hours without a set shift pattern and that deal with life or death situations can suffer terrible stress that needs addressing. The following tips offer advice on dealing with stress to provide a happier work life and to help physicians becoming

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Increasing Your Inner Happiness

Changing our lifestyle issues is key to developing character and learning about yourself. Getting back in touch with being zen, calm and self-love. Begin by helping others it is true being kind is rewarded with good karma. Helping those in need is a fulfilling way to spend your time. Begin a happiness project that taps into focusing on yourself each day try a new simple life lesson.   The key

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Build Your Muscles on a Budget

Building lean muscle has been shown to improve overall body mass, strength and health in men and women of all ages so why wait to get started? Don’t let your tight budget deter you from changing your lifestyle, there are many ways to build muscles without breaking the bank. Why Build Your Muscles? You don’t have to want to be a bodybuilder to work on your muscles. The health benefits

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Want Long Eyelashes and Thick Brows? Here’s How to Grow Them!

Hair is indivisible to the way we see ourselves. Changing the style or length of your hair – whether it be the hair on your head or your eyebrows and eyelashes – can be a seemingly life-altering experience. With a new look, people feel able to start fresh and to adopt a new style, as hair can give us the confidence we seek to be ourselves. Lately, it has become

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