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Category Personal Finance

How online promotions increase the more we use the web

Given the amount of ways and hours we consume looking at all our needs on the internet, it’s been inevitable that companies would focus on interacting and attracting customers via the web. Whether it is on a laptop, tablet or smartphone, it appears our eyes are glued to the internet, which is exactly why there can be so many benefits out there from businesses desperate to grasp your attention. These

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Top Tips For Putting A Little Money Aside This Year

It can be difficult keeping on top of your finances. This is true for everyone, whether you’re a high-flyer or deep in the red. Money can cause a great number of headaches, whether you have a lot of it or not enough. One of the difficulties which most people face when it comes to their finances is putting some aside. We all often end up overspending, or not having enough

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How to Start a Business This Year

If you’re ready to start your own business, your mind is probably going crazy as you process all of the things you need to do. But along with the freedom to be your own boss, make your own decisions, and follow your dreams, comes doing your own taxes, hiring employees, and being completely responsible for the success of your ideas. Here are some tips for starting a business this year:

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Tips for Saving Money in 2016

We all want to save more, spend less, set ourselves up for retirement and own our own homes. If you’ve been meaning to sort out your finances, there’s no reason why you can’t make 2016 the year you slash your debt and save some serious cash for a rainy day. If you’re like me, you probably find the statistics troubling- especially the fact that a large percentage of the population

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Three Simple Ways to Minimise Essential Business Costs

Setting up a fledgling business is an expensive endeavour, and one where success is never guaranteed. There are so many costs to consider, and for those who are new to the commercial sphere, it can be hard to know how to limit them. The most important point to remember is simply this: the aim of being in business is to turn a profit. Although quality and service are both important,

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How to Improve your Personal Finances in 2016

Due to the current economic situation, many people are looking for new ways to earn and save more money. With some careful planning and thought, there are a few things that you can do to relieve some financial pressure. Let’s take a look at some of the things that you can do to earn more money and save a little extra too. Earn Extra Cash with Online Gaming Online gaming

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Taking a step up the property ladder? Here’s some tips on how to save money

Moving home is an exciting, yet stressful endeavour; especially when you are planning to buy in the more renowned, expensive areas of the country. Before you get excited about new décor or a renovation, buying a house is more then just a deposit and a mortgage. The key to watching your finances is to be clued up on house buying and to use the tools available so you understand where

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Wondering What to get your Loved Ones for Christmas? Here are Some Ideas

With the holidays just around the corner, if you haven’t yet finished all of your Christmas shopping you may (rightfully) be feeling a little worried. There’s no need to procrastinate and find yourself walking around the mall like a zombie on Christmas Eve, so check out the below tips for some great advice on how you can ensure everyone you love gets a well-thought-out and personalised gift this Christmas. For

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A List of Crucial Mistakes You should Avoid when Beginning a Business Enterprise

There is no doubt that anyone who decides to start their own enterprise has a great degree of courage. After all, having your own business is something that cannot be taken lightly, as you are responsible for each and every decision and task that is related to your business operations and its growth – and eventual success. But when you have your own business, you may also commit mistakes from

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How Your Business Can Save Money on Delivery Costs

Customers are shopping online more frequently than ever before and that means that there’s more parcels being passed through depots around the country too. According to the Centre for Retail Research, online spending in the United States amounted to a massive $306.85 billion in 2014. This is predicted to reach $349.20 billion this year, an increase of 13.8%. Always Buy in Bulk If you’ve ever wondered how companies selling low

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