Dollars From Sense

– Save Money, Live Your Ultimate Life

Category Personal Finance

The How-to Guide to Budgeting

Budgeting is no easy task to start with, but like most things in life, once you get into the swing of things, it can be as second nature as breathing, well sort of. The important thing to remember with budgets is that they have to be stuck to, else what is the point? Stealing from Peter to pay Paul will only work for so long, before Peter and Paul meet

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Three Tips for Finding Cheaper Healthcare Plans

There are some things in life we can live without, and this is something to look at when it comes to saving money; having said that, there are some things in life it’s just not worth taking the risk to live without, whether you save or not! Healthcare insurance is one of those things, because in many cases, if you were to be taken ill, you may be faced with

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4 Tips for Saving Money Around the Home

Life can be expensive – well that’s probably the biggest understatement of the century. Life is expensive, especially in our modern world as our ‘wants’ are often blended together as ‘needs’. We have been consumers and the average household consumes a lot. If you figure out ways to minimise your consumption, your house costs will decrease. Many of us would like to save more money, so cutting costs around the

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Gadgets on a Budget

Saving money is the name of the game these days, and when it comes to buying electricals that can be difficult. Like most things in life, it’s a case of being clever and looking around before you commit to anything, but there are a few other avenues you can go down, to make sure you get the cheaper deals for your necessary, and sometimes unnecessary, gadgets. Shop around This is

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Four Ways to Save Costs on Your Water Bills

Money, money, money, that’s all it seems to be about these days! If you’re not spending money, you’re trying to make it, and then you find that your house somehow makes it all evaporate away with the cost of household bills. It’s no fun. Because of this, it’s important to try and cut costs here and there if at all possible, and slashing your water bill by being a little

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How To Negotiate A Pay Rise At Work

Money is a subject that nobody really likes to talk about too much. It’s just uncomfortable, don’t you find? Having said that, not being paid what you’re worth is just as uncomfortable. When it comes to negotiating a pay rise, you could be forgiven for shying away, and considering the task too difficult. What if they say no? What if I think I’m better at my job than they do?

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Five Summer Jobs That Can Help You Save

When it comes to saving money, for whatever reason you have in mind, it often comes down to getting either a second job, or a weekend/summer job. Whilst you might groan, cover your eyes and say ‘noooo’, remember the positives – you could meet lots of new people, you might find a new profession that you really enjoy, and the main one of all – you earn more money. There

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Tips and Tricks of Budget Travelling

When travelling abroad you usually have a specific budget, that you have allotted, depending on the forecasted expenditures that you might run into during your travels and considering your current income. Things, however, have a tendency to change, and though many things can be taken into account, there are also quite a few situations that may occur unexpectedly. This may vary from you wanting to extend your stay in one

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How to Finance a Vacation?

Who doesn’t dream of taking a well deserved vacation to chill on a beach in Thailand, watch the fish from one of the water bungalows in Maldives or exploring the ancient Mayan pyramids in Mexico? Although we now have many possibilities and ways to travel the world and an airplane ticket is more affordable and not only available to the rich and famous, the cost of travelling is still quite

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Fly and Save – Tips for Finding a Cheap Flight

In order to travel over land and sea, we have to fly. This is just a fact of life, well, unless you fancy getting on a boat and travelling over the high seas for days on end, which I don’t think many people would be too keen to do. Because of this logistical fact, flying costs can be high if you need to travel during peak times, such as school

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