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Category Work

Managing in the cloud: three essential tools

Most of the talk around cloud computing usually revolves around its accessibility and the fact that it is available on any device, anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This is surely at the core of the immense success cloud computing is enjoying. As of last year, over 90 percent of companies had adopted some sort of cloud computing. The other major advantage is purely economical, as most cloud

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Sleeping Habits Around the World

A great infographic has recently been released which has some very interesting and relevant facts about sleeping habits around the world, so now’s your chance to see how yours stack up. Believe it or not, our sleep habits largely depend on our home life, culture, and the country we grew up in. On average, the amount of sleep we’re getting has decreased compared to 100 years ago, with some countries

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Is Getting a Degree Still Worth it?

Times have changed since our parents were our age. And many people are questioning if it’s still worth getting a degree, and whether the financial implications of a student loan will outweigh any benefit which comes from higher earning power as a university graduate. So is getting a degree still worth it? The answer? It depends. For those who choose liberal arts majors, such as Bachelor of Arts, or focus

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How to Become a Great Photographer

Have you ever seen someone who can pick up any camera and take an amazing photo? They seem to have a gift for the skill of photography and can show the emotion and feel of a scene through their lens. They make it look easy. If you’re like me, you probably know that photography is one of those deceptive hobbies. We all like to believe that if we only had

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Tips for Starting your own Business

Starting your own business is one of the best ways to put the power back in your own hands. Along with choosing who you work with, you get to choose your hours and work from anywhere you please. Location independence is one of the main reasons I chose to work for myself, and many people find themselves in the same situation where they want to quit their day jobs and

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How to set up a successful online shop

The internet is without a doubt the greatest place to start a business. It doesn’t require a huge capital and its versatility is appealing to small arts and crafts business ventures and service-based startups alike. In 2013, it was revealed that 41% of worldwide internet users had purchased online. There are some obvious advantages to setting up an online shop, especially for small and niche businesses: if you use cleverly

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Management tips: how to build a better and more efficient business

However big or small your organization, the way in which your employees are managed is key to its success. Here are a few tips for being a capable manager and getting the best out of your staff. Be aware of current employment laws The most effective managers are aware of the latest legislation relating to their industry. It informs their actions, provides a competitive advantage, and increases profitability. Bob Bratt

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5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

Want to get out of your boring job and do the thing you love the most? Want to take people skydiving, run your own event catering or sell your handmade crafts? Maybe the only thing stopping you is the thought of the initial struggle and hardship. Starting needn’t be difficult – there are business consultants that can provide relevant advice and established franchises such as Telcoinabox that provide a tested,

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Exercises That Help Prevent Back Pain at Work

Something that personal injury firms like Sinnamon Lawyers notice a lot, is that many aspects of workplace health and safety plans are written into the policy but not actively policed or monitored. Things like stretching, taking regular breaks from your usual work station, posture and varying your activities through the day are all extremely important to preventing short or long term injury and need to be a priority. If you

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Top Degrees to Study for a Good Salary

Choosing a degree can be awfully difficult. In between what you like and what your parents would like you to study and of course the many options and those that are more profitable on the long-term, this decision is really a very important one. Regardless of what age you may have at the moment, this decision is an investment into your future – and it will never be very easy

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