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Category Travel

Affordable, Bustling & Cultured: The World’s Cheapest Cities for Long Term Travel

Whether it is for business or just an extended holiday, there are many affordable cities around the world that are ideal for long-term travel. These places offer affordable living in addition to great opportunities for sightseeing and getting familiar with a new culture. Whether you prefer proximity to outdoor activities or fast-paced urban living, anyone can find a great place to stay during their long-term travels. Chiang Mai, Thailand Situated

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Save money: Combine several US city breaks in to one multi centre trip

America is an amazingly diverse country – and truth be told, it would probably take months and months to get to visit at least a bit of every fabulous place they have in this country. For those of you living outside of the US, travelling here may seem like a costly affair, especially if you want to get to see more than one place. Of course, it may not be

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Counting down the days …

You might think that being organised is dedicated to those with clipboards, sticky notes, and tick-lists, but if you stick to that viewpoint you could be missing out on a few important areas! When it comes to travel, being organised is the only way to make sure you get to where you need to be, when you need to be there, and you get the best deals along the way

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How to Avoid Blowing your Budget while Traveling in the UK

Many people mistakingly believe that travel in the UK is expensive. However there are plenty of ways to avoid blowing your budget, and see the UK on the cheap, without resorting to eating baked beans out of a can. Here are some ways to travel cheaply in the UK: Go in the off-season Try to avoid traveling during the Christmas period, school vacation, and peak times such as the middle

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Where are the expats going?

The world is becoming more and more international. The Internet has broken a lot of barriers and made it even easier to live an international lifestyle. One of my biggest concerns about becoming an expat was my concerns about how I would keep in touch with friends and family back home. With things such as Skype and Whataspp, it’s easier than ever to keep in touch. It’s not the same

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What’s the True Cost of Travel?

Planning a holiday can be difficult, especially if you’re on a tight budget and it’s somewhere you’ve never been before. Some people think travel is a lot more expensive than it has to be. In the past I’ve backpacked a little bit, so I think I can say, with some authority, if you’re quite frugal you can easily travel to most countries for an average of $50 per day. That’s

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Where to go in Europe: For Food

Food is one of the highlights of any trip. Trying new things. Finding things you hate. Finding things you love. I even go as far as learning to cook while I travel and have taken cooking classes in both Nicaragua and Thailand. I’d love to take more. Local dishes tell you so much about the community, how they eat, and how the culture is. I love exploring a new place

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Top things to do in Orlando

Orlando is an awesome city to visit in the United States, especially as a family with small kids as you have so many theme parks to choose from. However it’s not just all crazy rides and theme parks and this awesome place has so much to offer. So I’ve rounded some top activities to do for your next trip there. Theme Parks As I said Orlando has so many Theme

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Time for a holiday in Cornwall

I was pleasantly surprised recently when I visited the seaside town of Cornwall in the United Kingdom. You don’t often think of beach holidays when heading to the U.K but this village really took me by surprise. Now you aren’t exactly going to get the tropical warm waters like you do in places like Greece or Spain but there still plenty to do there and it’s a perfect weekend getaway

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Five Reasons River Cruises are a Great Holiday Option

Going on holiday can be extremely exciting, but it can be confusing as well, especially since there are so many options you can choose from! River cruises may just be your next option, and there are many reasons why they can make for absolutely wonderful holidays. Here are the top 5 reasons that you should consider a relaxing river cruise for this year’s holiday: They Are More Affordable Yes, you read

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