Dollars From Sense

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Why You Should Never Bottle Up Your Feelings

Everyone wants a better lifestyle, but is it really that easy? If you’re wanting to look and feel better, then the last thing you want to do is just hold everything in. Seriosuly, this is something that can’t be stressed enough, and it’s usually something that’s taught to us when we’re kids (or at least it’s supposed to be). Now, we’ve all been there, right? Pretending everything is fine when,

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Top things I’ve learned running my own business

If you’re like most people, the idea of running your own business- by working freelance, consulting, or selling your own products, has at least crossed your mind. If you’re considering taking the plunge, here are some things I’ve learned running my own business: Know your worth Know what happens when you undercharge? You end up working yourself into the ground to simply make ends meet. You procrastinate, feel taken advantage

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If You Want To Be Rich, Your Job Isn’t Enough

For a long time, you may have been told that if you work hard at life, you will succeed. To most degrees, that is true. If you succeed in your field, you can provide for yourself and your family and hopefully leave a little behind. If you want to really build wealth, however, it’s time to learn that your career isn’t enough. Find a side hustle If you’re working a

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Little-Known Methods For Travelling On The Cheap

No matter where you like to travel, or how often you manage to do so, there’s no argument against wanting to save a little money in the process. Travel is one of life’s genuinely outstanding experiences, the kind of event that opens you up as an individual – but it always comes at a price. If you are wondering how you might be able to save a little money next

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