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2 Ways To Be Environmentally-Friendly At Home While Saving Money

If you want to make inroads into becoming more environmentally friendly at home but think that doing so will cause you to hemorrhage your hard-earned money, think again. While there can be some upfront costs, you will save time over the long term with some initial investments. Here are two ways to make it happen efficiently, effectively, and with Mother Earth at the forefront of your mind every day.

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Charge Your EV the Right Way

Having an electric vehicle, or EV, is an amazing step towards sustainable environmentalism. It, however, does require extra planning when you are on the go quite often as charging without a high-powered charger will take much longer than with one. When you have a charging station installed at home, you have complete control over when you charge your vehicle, so it is always ready for your next adventure or just ready to get you to work.

To that end, you should consider having an EV charger installation completed by a licensed electrician with experience in this particular area, as they will know the best practices involved in this process. An electrician will assess whether or not your current electrical supply can support your EV charging requirements. They will discuss any further needs your home power supply will require, if applicable.

Of note, if you have more than one EV in your family, bring this information to the electrician to best determine how to handle both as efficiently as possible on your current power support configurations. They will recommend the best solutions for you.

Rethink Your Water

If you have not yet heard of the term greywater, it is time to do so, and then embrace the practice. Greywater is water that has been used and is considered clean enough to reuse in certain areas on your property. 

The concept of greywater is simple in that the water you are already using is a resource for you to reuse to continue the usefulness of this valuable resource. As a byproduct of your efforts, you will help the environment through less water usage and save money on your monthly water utility bill.

Before you begin the process of using greywater, it is important to understand how to use it. For example, do not use water, such as that from the toilet or any other areas that may be contaminated with potentially dangerous bacteria. And, learn where you can and cannot use your greywater, such as directly on certain plants. 

Most importantly, whether you are building a new home and integrating a greywater system into your home plumbing or having your current pipes retrofitted, always use a licensed professional plumber to ensure the job is done right.

Watch this video to learn how to properly use greywater in your garden.

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Now that you have two realistic ways to save money both now and over time in your own home, it is time to do something about helping the environment. Contact your licensed electrician and plumber to get on their schedule and make a change in how you use your resources and spend money for an eco advantage.