Own a New business? Mistakes to Avoid
Opening up a new business is exciting, and for first-time entrepreneurs it’s a journey into the unknown – and, hopefully, it is one leading to a lucrative income stream further down the line. But as any seasoned business owner will be able to confirm, it’s not always plain-sailing. There are some specific problems which could crop up in the realm of finance. Here’s a guide to avoiding them wherever possible.
Cash flow
From an outsider’s perspective, running a business may seem financially simple. The owner sells goods and services, takes in the money, uses some of it to pay staff, stock and other costs and then keeps the rest as profit. But in reality it’s not nearly as simple as that, and that’s down to a question of cash flow. Businesses can still operate even if they aren’t making enough money at that specific time, provided they manage their cash flow well.
A seasonal firm, like a hotel in a tourist destination, for example, might choose to set aside some of its summer takings to allow it to cover its essential bills in the winter season, even if there are no paying guests present by then. Or a firm which is pursuing an aggressive growth strategy might take on some form of financing, like a loan, before it even starts to turn a profit. There’s an inherent risk to any of these strategies, of course – and part of learning to be a prudent business owner is learning to take on manageable cash flow risks.
Exchange rates
As the recent pandemic has shown, the world is becoming more and more globalized and interconnected in so many ways – especially when it comes to business. It’s increasingly likely that a new business set up in this day and age will have some form of international client at one time or another. While this can mean a wider market, it can also mean your revenues are damaged if you have to exchange currencies while the rate is unfavorable. It’s wise, then, to find a decent broker who doesn’t add hefty fees on to your exchange rate. Reading a review of Currencies Direct or another decent broker is a good way to find the right options for you – and to weed out those that charge extortionate prices.
Obligations to meet
And finally, don’t forget that you will have financial obligations to the government when running a business, such as paying or charging taxes. These can vary depending on which state you’re operating in and even what industry you work in – so if you’re in any doubt about it, it’s always worth speaking to a financial advisor or other qualified professional who can help you out and ensure that you don’t fall behind.
Running a business isn’t simple, and some entrepreneurs do sadly end up failing. But by following the financial management tips outlined above, you can reduce the risk that it will end up happening to you.