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Top Things to Love About Compact Living

Most people are not ready to let go of the idea of a big house and jump on the trend of the tiny home. But that doesn’t mean the tiny home isn’t making waves. More and more people are choosing homes with a compact footprint, especially those who are loving traveling everywhere around the world and having a base to come home to that traditional quarter acre dream. It’s a big dream to have, and it’s also very expensive.

Smaller homes will often mean smaller mortgages, less time spent on upkeep and maintenance, and access to better neighbourhoods. The best part is that you have that opportunity to be a homeowner while experiencing a great sense of freedom. There are plenty of things that you should love about building a Jabiru tiny home, but if you’re still on the fence and you still daydream about that big mansion in the country, then let us take you through the reasons that you should love compact living.

Free A stylish wooden cabin amidst green foliage, ideal for a serene getaway. Stock Photo

You’re more likely to afford it. The appeal of apartment living is becoming increasingly popular, so why not extend that appeal to a tiny home? Apartment living gives you that flexibility to afford to live in the location that you like, and that’s a very difficult opportunity to pass up. Smaller homes, like apartments, deliver on affordability, but tiny homes can do the same thing. You have a smaller carbon footprint, a smaller ongoing operating cost and a much smaller budget.

It’s a clean slate. Moving into a tiny home gives you an opportunity to build something new that fits your family. Compact properties like townhouses and apartments give people that opportunity to start over with a more minimalist lifestyle. All of that clutter you’ve been looking to get rid of is so much easier to clear off when you have a much smaller place to keep it in. A clear space leads to a clear mind, and that’s absolutely true.

It’s more sustainable. Excessive consumerism is a big problem and we are turning towards more mindful consumption as a result. Living a lifestyle higher on sustainability and awareness of the environment is more important than ever, and a tiny home can help. Smaller homes such as tiny houses and apartments can be positioned to leverage local amenities, which means that you’re not going to have a bigger carbon footprint just to get from A to B.

It’s a petite piece of paradise. Townhouses and apartments are built within established communities, and that means that you can find your own community among those who have tiny homes. People love to feel connected to their neighbors and live close to green spaces, and tiny homes allow for that!

You have an option for buying. If you’re being priced out of the housing market right now, like many other people who are struggling to get their foot on the property ladder, then a tiny home could be exactly what you need. Whether you’re retiring, you’re a working parent, or you just want to spend less time mowing the lawn and more time enjoying your life, a tiny home is the way to go.