Bridging The Employment Gap
When you’ve been stuck in a job for a while that you hate, you often come to realise that you’re only there for the money. While the salary may be keeping you afloat, it certainly won’t be keeping you happy and the employment market is volatile at the best of times! The idea of having to interview for a new position while trying to keep heading to work every day can feel overwhelming and quite frankly, not many want to do that!
The thing is, if you leave your job before you find something new, you’re going to be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to find work quickly. You need to be able to keep the payments going on your apartment as well as all your utilities and food costs. It isn’t ever a good idea to leave a job before you have secured the next one, but if this is what it will take for you to spend time looking for a new role and it’s the right thing for you to do, you should do it. So, what should you be thinking about to bridge the gap between jobs and what could you do to keep busy?
- Volunteering. For some, breaking free from a job they hate is a chance to experience something else. Sure, you still need cash to keep you afloat and ideally, you’ll have some savings to one side before you do make the big leap. If not, you could obtain a payday advance to ensure you have some seed money. Volunteering allows you to experience a different industry and a different role, which means you could find an entirely new vocation you want to be involved in.
- Education. Did you know there are those who leave work and go back to school in later life? It doesn’t matter whether you have been in employment for a long time or not, school is always there for you. Learning something new and taking some classes can make you far more employable. If you cannot manage the finances while you learn, it’s a good idea to pick up some shift work waitressing or at a call centre so that you can keep paying your way. This can be done around education as the hours can fit very well to your classes.
- Travel. Day dreaming about doing something different with your life while you are stuck in your job gives you a chance to save as much money as possible so you can see the world. Yes, you hate your job and want to do something different, but you should have a plan in place to keep yourself secure. Save as much as you can so you can have the money to see the world and do something different with your time!
Leaving a job that you don’t like is only a problem if you are forced out the door. Make the job you hate work to your advantage until you are financially sound enough to make the leap and do the things that make your heart sing.