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Three Strategies to Secure a Leadership Role at Work

For many people, the new year brings with it fresh ambitions and a renewed focus on their career. If this sounds like you, you may be keen to look at ways to advance your career and work your way into a leadership position over the coming year. If the prospects of an increased salary and a more senior position appeal to you, it’s time to put together a plan on how this can be achieved. 

Moving your way up the career ladder can be a challenge. However, there are many opportunities to make it happen; you just need to do the groundwork first. With this in mind, here are three strategies that can be used to help bring you closer to securing a leadership role at work:

1. Develop Your Skills with Targeted Training

Being excellent at your job will ensure you’re well thought of at work and will help you to move closer to promotions. However, there is a big difference between having the skills needed to perform well at work and having the ability to lead a team. 

Leadership roles require an entirely different skillset, and one that doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Instead, leadership skills are often learned. Investing in leadership specific training, such as Strategic Leadership Training, can help you gain those skills you need and the ability to tackle the more challenging aspects of management. 

2. Seek Out a Mentor

Seeking out a mentor can bring huge benefits for your career. Having a more experienced and senior colleague as your mentor can help you to progress in many ways. A mentor can guide your career, help you to raise your profile within the company, and act as someone for you to bounce ideas off of, and so much more. 

Checking whether your company has a mentorship scheme in place to match mentees with potential mentors is an excellent place to start your search for a mentor. Once you have found your mentor, they should be able to provide the guidance and support you need to work towards securing a leadership position. 

3. Embrace Opportunities

Having the ability to spot potential opportunities and how to make the most of them is an excellent skill to develop when you’re aiming for promotion. Putting yourself out there and volunteering for challenges can mean taking a big step outside of your comfort zone. However, it’s a great way to keep developing your knowledge and skills, while also making connections throughout the organization.

Final Thoughts

Securing a leadership position at work is a significant achievement. Reaching this stage in your career is never guaranteed, so it requires determination and drive to make it happen. Staying focused on your career goals, while also understanding that you need to keep working on your skills and developing your knowledge to receive promotions is a must. 

Being consistent in your efforts and continually striving to improve and develop in the workplace will put you in the best position to be considered for promotions and achieving leadership positions.