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A Job Hopper’s Guide To Staying Solvent


Studies show that an average worker doesn’t stay in a position longer than three years. If you’re savvy, it’s possible to earn more money and secure a better balance between life and work. At least, that’s what the boffins at seem to think. There is one problem, however, and it’s the gap between your last paycheck and getting paid. It can take awhile before the coffers are full again, and lots of hoppers have to learn how to manage. The good news is that it isn’t impossible to stay solvent.

Here are the financial tricks of the trade to keep in mind.

The Rainy Day Fund

Only one person knows your intentions and that is you. It is down to you when you move and how it happens because you are in control. It is important to remember this because it helps with future financial planning. Quite simply, when a person knows they are going to leave a company, they can save for a rainy day. The sooner you start, the better, but your intentions will be clear from a year out. Anyway, most companies expect a notice period of four weeks, so this is a perfect time to knuckle down.

Cut Back

There is no point in saving money if there are zero pennies to save in the first place. One reason people leave is for more money and a better way of life. Sadly, you have to accept that your finances will get lower when you switch jobs. Or do you? Yes, it can take a while for your new job and lifestyle to bear fruit. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t cut back according to By consolidating the balances on your cards, it is possible to pay less each month. The money that you save can go towards the rain fund. Happy days!


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Collect Every Last Penny

Just because you are leaving doesn’t mean you aren’t entitled to your share. After all, there is a slice of the pie for every worker for every day a person works. The obvious example is your monthly wage, which no one ever forgets. However, people do forget about vacation pay and bonuses. In fact, some people write them off as insignificant expenses. Both your bonuses and holiday pay add up to a significant amount and need collecting. Before you go, tally up everything the company owes you and make sure the payroll department include it in the final figure.


Dip Into Your Pension


No one likes doing this because the money is for your golden years. But, the truth is that a pension is a large fund which can help you through tough times. State funds aren’t touchable, but a private one might be depending on the terms. What you should do is check the rules and regulations so that you are aware. If you can’t pay your rent one month, the pension pot can take a hit. After all, the new job will build up more money. Plus, you take the amount out of your wage over the course of a couple of months.


Switching jobs is fine as long as you have the dough. Thanks to this advice that shouldn’t be an issue.