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Category Real Estate

Should You Choose A Deck Or Patio?

When creating a social area in your yard, you need a hard surface for placing furniture and preventing mud. Decks and patios are the two most popular options – but just which one is right for your home? This post poses a few questions to help you find the right one. Which requires less maintenance? Both patios and decks need to be regularly swept and washed to keep them looking

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7 Really Easy Ways to Make Money Online

Whatever your reason for wanting to make some extra money, whether it’s wanting to launch your own business or saving money for a rainy day, one of the easiest ways to do that is online. Pretty much everyone has access to the internet in this day and age, and so many businesses and opportunities can arise because of it. If you’re looking to make a bit (or a lot) of

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Home Upkeep Needed: When To Choose DIY And When Not To

DIY skills are very important to the modern homeowner. If you’ve got a tool kit in the shed and you know how to use it, you’re not going to run into many repair problems over the next 20 years. Plus, you’re going to save yourself a lot of money on hiring someone to come round and fix the sink for you!  We’re all about saving money on home matters as

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How To Sell Your Home Quickly: A Simple Guide.

There’s a lot to celebrate when moving home.  After all, it often signifies a fresh start for your family, whether you’re moving to see another corner of the world or to pursue a new career opportunity. However, there are certain things you must do in order to facilitate the big move, such as selling your current home/property. Given that it takes 25 weeks on average to sell a home, this

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How To Choose The Right Living Room Furniture 

Having the right furniture in your living room really does make a difference. If it’s the right furniture, you’ll be comfortable in the room and want to spend time there, but if it’s the wrong furniture, that won’t be the case, and you’ll never really feel at home or relaxed in a room that you really should feel good in. Of course, it’s easy to say that you need to

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5 Ways To Improve Your Living Room On A Budget

You’ll spend a lot of time in your living room when you’re at home. It’s what it’s designed for, so you’ll want to make sure you’re having as enjoyable a time there as possible. That’s why it’s always worth trying to improve your living room, especially if it hasn’t gotten proper attention in a while. If you think this would take a lot of time, effort, and money, that doesn’t

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3 Great Ways To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Home improvements are always common, and they’re designed to make your house as amazing as possible. While you’ll usually focus on your home’s interior, it’s always worth trying to improve your home’s curb appeal. It makes the outside of your house look amazing. It’ll end up being something you can be proud of. Though this seems like it’ll be a long and complicated process, it doesn’t have to be. Instead,

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Understanding Different Types of Water Damage

Water damage is a frequent issue for both home owners and businesses alike, but understanding all its various forms is the key to effective resolution. In this blog post we’ll look at the various forms of water damage so you can recognize them quickly and take appropriate measures against it. Photo by Vero Eve on Unsplash Clean Water Damage Clean water damage typically arises from sources that do not pose

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Maintaining Your Property:4 Tips for All Homeowners

As a homeowner, keeping on top of repairs means you are improving your standard of living and protecting your investment. After all, you are paying huge sums of cash to live in your home. The last thing you want to do is ruin this investment by failing to keep your house in a good state of repair. Experts suggest that all homeowners should sign around 2-3% of the value of

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Make Your Backyard Functional with These Tips

You may not know it, but there is no space in your home that’s more versatile than your backyard. You might think your lounge in your kitchen has the edge, but the backyard is somewhere that’s completely different to the rest of your house and yet part of a functional living space. Throwing open the back doors and making it a part of where you spend your time with your

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