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Category Real Estate

Simple Steps to a Lush Lawn: Establishing a Lawn From Scratch

Is your lawn looking a little worse for wear? Flooding over the autumn and winter topped with urine burns from pets, sparse patches and unevenness will all equate to a lawn that doesn’t look too healthy. In some cases it will be past the point of repair, and far better to rip it all up and start from scratch. If you’re planning on laying a new lawn, here’s how you

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Transform Your Home Into A Hotel, You’ll Make Massive Profits!

We’ve talked before about the possibilities of working from home. But we’ve only lightly touched on the concept of making money from your home. Believe it or not, this should be something that you are considering, particularly if you’re looking for a fresh, exciting, attractive side hustle. But what exactly are we talking about here? Essentially, you can turn your home into a private hotel or more specifically bed and

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When Saving Money Meets Beautiful Interior

What do you think when you hear people talking about designing the ideal interior decor? It’s fair to say that if you’re not into home interior, you may not be imagining inspirational pictures of styles. But instead, you’ll be thinking about how much decorating your home is likely to cost. Let’s be honest, the favorite magazines and inspirations for interior styles tend to present expensive luxury items, from lampshades that

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Who To Hire When Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a complicated process and there are many stages that may require professional help. Here are some of the people that you may want to hire when purchasing a home and what you can look for in order to get the best talent for the job. Mortgage brokers Mortgage brokers such as Altrua Financial could be worth hiring if you’re struggling to find a mortgage lender

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Affordable tips for creating stunning effects in the home with tiles

You can add a touch of style and originality to any room of the home using all sorts of tiles, be that a Standard Tile or marble look porcelaine you’re sure to find something that suits your style. With that in mind, you will find tiling extremely affordable, as it is a cheap way to add a touch of luxury to your property. Modern homes utilise tiles in a variety of

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Brave New Ways To Sell Your Property

If you were to believe real estate agents, then the reason the market is struggling is because of external uncertainties like Trump, Brexit and the fact a nuclear war is right around the corner. But this isn’t the full story. You see, the real reason why real estate agents are finding the market to be a tad slow is that homeowners aren’t using them anymore. Instead, they’re finding entirely new

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Are You Ready To Buy Your First Home?

Purchasing property is something that many of us will aim to do in life. It’s something that we tend to see as ‘the next step in life’, just like going to college, starting a family, or retiring. However, it’s not a decision that you can take lightly. It’s a huge commitment and it’s quite a significant financial cost. So you have to make sure that you’re ready. Capable Of Handling

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Here’s How To Succeed In Property Investment When Building Property Yourself

For anyone with some ‘spare’ funds to play with, the concept of investment is a popular one. Of course, the term ‘investment’ is vast and varied and could mean any number of different financial opportunities. However, of all the most common investment opportunities that there are available, one of the most popular ones tends to be property investment. This is because this investment type is seen as being safer than

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To Rent Or To Buy? Which Is Best For Your Business?

If you’re on the lookout for new business premises, you may be thinking about renting or buying. There are pros and cons for both, but which option suits your company best? There’s no universal right answer, as every business is different, and this is why it’s essential to consider every eventuality. Renting business premises Renting has a number of benefits, especially for new businesses. When you rent, you won’t have

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Things To Consider Before You Do Up That New Old Home

Buying a new house that’s an old house to be redesigned is an exciting venture. Choosing to buy a house that needs extensive redecoration and rebuilding is a project that even the most enthusiastic property developer can struggle with. However, it’s a project that can reap epic rewards at the end, and not just financial ones. The sheer satisfaction you feel when you know that you have completed your project

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